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Monday, January 17, 2011

A Rose is a Rose...and a Witch...

Is a Witch.  Yep.That's the word no matter what you call it.  I had problems with the word until I read a very special book that I have since recommended to all my students throughout the years. That book is by Scott Cunningham and it is called "The Truth About Witchcraft Today".  Bless his heart in that ONE small book Mr. Cunningham had managed to do what all my previous studies had not. It made me able to say, not only to others but to myself "Witch".  I have found that others, whether it's because of fear of what others will say or fear of how they'll be perceived, or hey maybe because of their memories of that green faced portrayal in The Wizard of Oz are also afraid of the word Witch.

Does it really matter what we call ourselves?  Yes.  It does.  Regardless of what actions we take and what word we use aren't we a Witch?  If so, why not say it?  There are power in words.  Aren't we careful when we word our spells?  Aren't we careful what we say to OTHERS? 

When we grow up we learn several things about getting along with others is learning not to "name call" and we learn that calling someone a derogatory name will offend them so we assign positive or negative associations to words and that follows us into our adult life. 

Many of us call ourselves "Pagans" (which is technically true if we are not Christian) because to us that feels "safe".  We have assigned that a positive association.  So why is it we have assigned a negative association to the word "Witch"?  Is it because it is one letter away from that OTHER word that so many people use when casting a negative barb at a woman?

I can tell you this...since the day I stopped fearing the word Witch and said it proudly, savoring the word, enjoying it's life has changed in such a glorious way. 

Yep, there are power in words and one of the most powerful words that I've learned to say is "Witch".

Try it.
Blessed Be!


  1. I'm not sure why I don't consider myself a witch. Since I've been studying paganism, the word is not so scary anymore. Maybe it's because I am still just learning and I don't think I've earned the title yet. Regardless, I respect those of us who do consider themselves witches and those who do not.

  2. Don't care what you call yourself Buddhagan. Just as long as you keep writing those great blogs. I loved them.

    And thank YOU for your great feedback. I definitely appreciate it more than you can know.


    ----,----'--><@ Ara

  3. I have to admit that despite having come out of the broom closet on Facebook, I'm not out to neighbors and relatives. I'm pretty safe in saying it would create a lot of tension and distancing that I don't want to deal with. Maybe there will come a day when I say "Screw it," but that day hasn't come yet.
