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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Maiden...Mother...Crone (Part II ..Mother)

She who had pledged herself to the spirit of beauty in life would now bring forth lives that had their own path. A part of her and yet not and this part of her might not be pledged for to pledge this part she had  no right.  During her "Mother" phase more than any other she learned the lesson of free will.  She remembered her life as a child when her own Mother tried to spoon feed religion to her as some distasteful medicine that a duty forced her to take in order to heal some unknown ailment that might overtake her before she would know what hit her.

Now that the maternal role was hers, a part of her understood the wanting to heal the darkness that could overtake a spirit without the comfort that spiritual committment might offer.  A bigger part of her knew, though, that the committent had to come of one's own volition and that any attempt to sway a soul to a path that it felt no  pull to offered no healing but rather could do much more harm than good.

She felt this harm, herself, but could not blame her own Mother for wanting to bring her child with her  down a path that had given comfort.  The fact that this path was not her own was something that her Mother would never have understood for in her world there was but one path and one journey to get there.

She knew a bitter pain when her own children grew to an age of their own decision making far worse than the sweeter pain of childhood when all the decisions belonged to someone else.  When her own offspring came forth the choices were hers--and yet they were not.  She had to choose the right words and acts to bring forth these new give them warmth and nourishment.  Yet in giving them all the things that children need to grow strong and true she had to give just enough guidance to make their own decisions in life and then she realized the hardest decision of all.  She had to give them freedom of choice.

Unlike her own parents she would not push her children toward her nor would she pull them along with her for force them to share  that which had given her such joy and comfort.  She knew something that her own Mother did not.  In order to find that comfort and joy the decision must be their own.

The main reason that she must not make her children's choice was that her own path was not the easiest.  Often she was made to feel like a minor criminal in her own home.  While in the early part of her life, her Mother had not only insisted that she attend the local Christian Church but on many occasions had driven her there herself or watched like a hawk as she climbed the rusty stairs to the unattractive bus with the uncomfortable and smelly seats.  This middle part of her own life found her Mother berating her for not forcing her own children to do the same as she had.  And force them she would NOT!

Some time during this middle life-phase was when she realized that the word Witch not only was acceptable to her but felt delicious on her tongue as a rich expensive chocolate might.  Even though it was years before she could say the word out loud due partly because of the way she feared her children might either react or be reacted TO, when she finally WAS able to say it to others she found herself a much more comfortable person.  But this was long after her Mother phase had ended.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Maiden...Mother....CRONE! (Part 1...Maiden)

Crone.  That word has become so much a part of my life that I think I must say it in my sleep (lol).  We've discussed the word Witch but what about the word "Crone"?  It brings to mind a cratchety (word?) old woman, bent with time, walking with a stick with the wrinkles of time wearing on her face.  But why must this be a negative thing?  It has become so because that is what society gives it.

To show you what the word Crone means to this writer I am giving you a peek into a book that I am in the process of writing "She Were Three".  This is the "Maiden" part and only by understanding THIS can we understand the rest.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Apologies Submitted

Please accept the apologies of this Witch who started this blog and then promptly took a giant tumble off her broomstick (actually that isn't completely accurate but doesn't it make a COOL story?  LOL)  At any rate, it is my intent to at least TRY (barring unforseen circumstances or other injuries) to write here at LEAST once each week and to welcome submissions or reprints from others who wouldn't mind being quoted in my little corner of this particular Universe.

So please accept my apologies for being clumsy and contact me at any time by writing to me at OR

I can also be found on Facebook (usually in one or another game) and welcome being friended on there.

Blessings my Children. 
Merry Part, Merry Meet Again

Monday, January 17, 2011

A Rose is a Rose...and a Witch...

Is a Witch.  Yep.That's the word no matter what you call it.  I had problems with the word until I read a very special book that I have since recommended to all my students throughout the years. That book is by Scott Cunningham and it is called "The Truth About Witchcraft Today".  Bless his heart in that ONE small book Mr. Cunningham had managed to do what all my previous studies had not. It made me able to say, not only to others but to myself "Witch".  I have found that others, whether it's because of fear of what others will say or fear of how they'll be perceived, or hey maybe because of their memories of that green faced portrayal in The Wizard of Oz are also afraid of the word Witch.

Does it really matter what we call ourselves?  Yes.  It does.  Regardless of what actions we take and what word we use aren't we a Witch?  If so, why not say it?  There are power in words.  Aren't we careful when we word our spells?  Aren't we careful what we say to OTHERS? 

When we grow up we learn several things about getting along with others is learning not to "name call" and we learn that calling someone a derogatory name will offend them so we assign positive or negative associations to words and that follows us into our adult life. 

Many of us call ourselves "Pagans" (which is technically true if we are not Christian) because to us that feels "safe".  We have assigned that a positive association.  So why is it we have assigned a negative association to the word "Witch"?  Is it because it is one letter away from that OTHER word that so many people use when casting a negative barb at a woman?

I can tell you this...since the day I stopped fearing the word Witch and said it proudly, savoring the word, enjoying it's life has changed in such a glorious way. 

Yep, there are power in words and one of the most powerful words that I've learned to say is "Witch".

Try it.
Blessed Be!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Out of the Broom Closet: Yes! I AM!!

Out of the Broom Closet: Yes! I AM!!: "Am I a Witch? Yes indeed I am a card carrying, broomstick holding (Come on you didn't REALLY think we RODE them, did you? We swe..."

Yes! I AM!!

Am I a Witch?  Yes indeed I am a card carrying, broomstick holding (Come on you didn't REALLY think we RODE them, did you?  We sweep with them...shocked?) Witch!  And I love it. 

Before you start running for the gasoline and a tall post to burn me at, let me tell you what this means.
  • First, I believe that there is a God...several of them in fact AND a Goddess (also more than one).  I do not understand how anyone could know that the females of our species is the bringer of life and NOT believe that we have a feminine aspect to our Diety. 
  • I believe that everything and everyONE on the planet is made up of  energies and that we can use these energies to affect changes in our lives and surroundings.
  • I celebrate different phases of the moon and holidays (called Sabbats) with candle burning and incense, much like anyone else does in their churches.  I just happen to do my particular celebrations in my home at an altar.
  • I do what I call spells which are very similar to what many other religions would call prayers.  (Yes this is my religion, regardless of what our former President G.W. thinks)
  • Since I am also an Ordained Minister (I prefer Priestess but "tomato to-mah-to" I also perform certain rituals such as marriage ceremonies (handfastings) and baby naming ceremonies (Wiccanings) not to mention
  • I read a crystal ball.  This, I do by pulling a person's energy through the ball and giving them what spiritual guidance I can by reading this energy back to them and offering ideas about what obstacles they may encounter in the near future.
Well now that you know what I am/do let's talk for a moment about what I am NOT and do NOT do shall we?
  1. I am not now nor have I ever been a "bride of Satan"  Most of the Witches that I know do not believe in Satan although they DO believe in evil, dark forces, negative energies and in general bad karma.  While I have BEEN a bride more than once and I will admit that at least ONE of my exhusbands had a definite mean streak I'm relatively CERTAIN that he was NOT Satan.
  2. I do not nor have I ever sacrificed any type of animal including humans in any of my rites, rituals or spells.  When I use any plant in my rituals I thank the Goddess for offering it to me and make an offering in return usually in the form of some baked good that I have baked myself left out for the animals to feast upon.  The only blood that I have ever offered in any ritual is my own and that is only in extreme circumstances and only the tiniest droplets.
  3. I do NOT "cast evil spells" on people.  Witches have a very strong belief in ethics and follow the Rede "And ye harm none do what ye will" this means no thought word or deed that would harm ANYONE including self. and SHOULD we do that we believe that it would come back at us w ith a power of three so to do something like that would be incredibly stupid.  Now while I won't say that some people who CLAIM to be Witches aren't the sharpest crayons in the box, you can generally tell by talking to them for about 5 minutes if they are REAL Witches or not and the real ones wouldn't do bad spells (no matter HOW many people may ASK me to)
So now we've had our little primer on Witch 101 and it's been just loads of fun.  My intent in this blog is to just give a Witchy spin on stuff so stop on by if you care to and if not, well thanks for reading and have a nice day